Importing photos into iPhoto 11 is one of the easiest things you can do on a Mac, but we’re still often asked how to do it. And that’s fine, because we’re always happy to help. If you’re having trouble getting your digital photos onto your Mac (or are doing so in a roundabout way), you’ve come to the right place. These instructions will allow you to import all of your photos in no time at all.

Just follow these steps.

  1. Connect your camera to the USB port on your computer. Unless you want to use your SD card and your SD card slot, if that is the case, simply plug the card into your slot and you will begin.
  2. Turn on your camera, if you do not have it turned on already.
  3. iPhoto should open automatically once you turn on the camera or insert your SD card. If not, open the program by double clicking the icon on your dock. If you do not have an icon on the dock, double click the app in your Applications folder.
  4. Once the iPhoto program is open you will see a button labeled “Import All,” go ahead and click on this button. You can also feel safe about deleting them after import; this removes the images from your camera or card, not from your computer.
  5. Once the import is complete, drag the camera icon to the trash can to eject the disk. You can then turn off your camera. It’s important to eject the the camera before turning it off.
  6. If you want to import photos from your hard drive (scanned, downloaded, etc.), click on “File” in the menu bard and select “Import to Library…” Select the photos you want in the new window (you can simply click on the folder in which in they sit) and click on the “Import” button.

And that’s it. You can now take advantage of iPhoto’s management and editing capabilities. See, we told you it’s easy!

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