Apple mentioned 10 major features out of (more than 200 features) they’ve claimed to have added in this latest version of iOS5. My friend @geohotting ask me to try listing out that features, but no way, I can’t count all – He suggests to mention the half, the quarter, …. – At the end I decided to give this mission first to my readers, with open comments, then we can post. Feel free to comment and let us know. Thanks every one.
(1) New Welcome Screen when you start using the phone for first time.
(2) Updated Lockscreen
(3) PC Free Activation
(4) Notifications Center

(5) Quick Camera launch from Lockscreen
(6) Stocks and weather built into Notifications Center
(7) iPod app is renamed to Music with new icon
(8) New
(9) iMessage
(10) SMS bubbles are green in color and iMessage appears baby blue
(11) Multi tasking gestures for the iPad can be count. because it wasnt enable on the 4.3GM (Via: Phouthon Ourn)
(12) Newsstand for Magazines and Newspapers
(13) Ability to Create and Delete Photo albums
(14) System wide Twitter Integration
(15) New Twitter keyboard with # and @ buttons
(16) Ability to edit photos
(17) Better exchange integration (Via: Chris bohm) (New)
(18) Ability to Flag messages (Via: Chris bohm) (New)
(19) Task integration (New) (Via: Chris bohm)
(20) Ability to change ringtone for all notifacaions (Via: Chris bohm) (New)
(21) Added new built in ringtones (Via: Chris bohm) (New)
(22) Reminder App (Via: Chris bohm) (New)
(23) Purchased section in App Store (Not sure if this is considered part of iCloud) (Via: Chris bohm) (New)
(24) Updated Gamecenter app (Via: Chris bohm) (New)
(25) New on/off toggle control (Via: Chris bohm) (New)
(26) Facetime on device also works with email (Via: Chris bohm) (New)
(27) In the calendar, for the day view, you now have the ability to length or shorten the length of the meeting with 2 handles instead of opening and editing the event. This of course only works on meetings you created. (Via Mergedown) (New)
We hop you to add your comment, and we’ll post it ,,,,,
Apple ios ipad iPhone ipod