The new developer version of iOS 5 has recently been released named as iOS 5 Beta 3. So we need a new jailbreak. But the good news is that the last version of Redsn0w that was released to jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 2 can jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 3 as well.

This jailbreak method is same as was in the past for Redsn0w by putting the device in DFU mode, but remember this jailbreak is also tethered.
And Here is a bit guide about how to  jailbreak new version iOS 5 Beta 3
  • update you iDevice with this latest firmware via iTunes.
  •  run Redsn0w 0.9.8 and select the firmware iOS 5.0 beta1. if you select other firmware then you will not be able to jailbreak your device running iOS Beta3.

Remember every time you switch off your device, you will have to connect it to your PC and use the option “Just boot tethered right now” to use your device.



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