The case hinges on Apple’s assertion that Samsung is ripping off its designs, but tech site Webwereld spotted signs that perhaps Apple’s claims are exaggerated, and that the outfit might have even gone so far as to alter images of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 to suit its case. The comparison shot you see up there is lifted from page 28 of a filing made by Freshfields Bruckhaus Derringer, Apple’s European lawyers. Both devices look pretty identical with an aspect ratio of 4:3 — except in reality, the Tab has a 16:9 aspect ratio and is far narrower than Steve’s magical slate. Of course, we might never know if this was actually a malicious move on Apple’s part — certainly, Samsung’s legal team isn’t saying anything. For now, though, if you’re game to play armchair attorney, head past the break for two comparison shots of the competing tabs as we actually know and love them.
Via [Source1, Source2]

Of course most of you remember Apple Vs Samsung where Cupertino’s finest sued Samsung for making similar products. A legal spectacle that most recently culminated with an injunction blocking the sale of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 across Europe (with one exception).