Update : Version 1.1-1 released ! Crack is out !!

 v 1.1-1
* FIX: Server Issues

Download 1.1-1 Cracked : Official

Easily get songs anywhere you want.

Ever wanted to get a song you just heard on the radio, but didn’t want to leave your current app to find it? QuickMP3 makes it faster and easier to get songs no matter which app you are in. Simply assign it to any activator gesture and then search for the song you are looking for. You’ll also be able to see the download progress and queue multiple songs for downloading.
Notes: In order to use QuickMP3 you must agree to the QuickMP3 terms of use. Downloads are stored in /var/mobile/Library/Downloads/ and can be played in other apps such as iFile or copied to your computer. There are no icons installed, QuickMP3 can be configured using Activator in the Settings app (assign it to any gesture). Tested only on 4.2.1 (should work on other versions as well though).

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Previous Version
1.0-1 Cracked : Official


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