Cydia Apps and Tweaks, There are a countless number of Apps and tweaks on Cydia and more are developed every day. Checj this video that shows the Top 30 Cydia Apps/Teaks In 2011.
Top 30 List:
- Tab+
- Mutilconmover
- Infiniboard
- Infinidock
- SBSettings
- Alphacon
- Android Delete
- Graviboard
- Grid Lock
- Animate Battery
- Winterboard
- Flipover
- List Launcher
- Cy Delete
- Folder Enhancer
- Pull to Refresh Safari
- RetinaPad
- Barrel
- Camera Wallpaper
- icon renamer
- double tap to open
- Pagenames
- iSwipe
- Stayopened
- iTypeappleicon
- retina app icons
- page pusher
- Bytafont
- AndroidLock XT
- Insomnia
Most of these apps and tweaks can be found under these repos: