While we wait for Facebook’s big reveal, here’s a look at the changes to the News Feed that the social network already rolled out that have lots of users talking:
1. Top Stories: Facebook’s new design highlights posts that you’ll likely find important, and prioritizes them at the top of your feed when you log in. The top stories are designated by a blue tag in the upper left corner of the post. From what we can see, however, top stories don’t regenerate much throughout the day — especially if you keep Facebook open in your browser like your Twitter ticker.
2. New Posts: Above your top stories you’ll find the option to expand more recent posts, much like Twitter’s “47 new tweets” real-time notification bar.
3. Recent Stories: However, the new post notification bar doesn’t refresh as often, but instead automatically expands new stories much like the older version.
4. Hide Posts: In the drop-down tab on the upper right of every post, you still have the option to hide posts (whether to delete the individual story or to hide that person’s updates altogether). In the new version, you also have the option to mark a post as a top story, thus increasing the likelihood that that type of post or friend will appear in your Top Stories feed.
5. Ticker: The new ticker on the upper right of your homepage condenses real-time posts. Hover over any story to expand and view likes and comments.
6. Ticker / Chat: If you expand your chat sidebar (whether or not you’re online), the ticker attaches to the top. That way, any page you navigate away from the home feed will still display real-time updates. Adjust chat/ticker proportions by hovering over the gray bar between chat and the ticker.
7. Album Layout: Last but not least, Facebook has made album design a bit more aesthetic. Albums that appear in your newsfeed stack three photos for a more creative viewing experience.
Anything else? Let us know!
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