Every iPhone 4S Owner has been anxious for long now to hear news about a jailbroken iOS 5 on iPhone 4S. Developers have already released jailbreak tools like RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 to tether jailbreak iOS 5 on iPhone 4, and iPad 1, and iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G, but that doesn`t apply to iPad 2 also or the iPhone 4S.

Today, MuscleNerd, a famous hacker and member of the iPhone Dev Team, tweeted about a jailbroken iPhone 4S on iOS 5. According to him, the jailbreak is still preliminary.

VERY preliminary 4S JB: twitpic.com/76vcp4 twitpic.com/76vct2 (Huge missing pieces prevent public release. LOTS of work left)

The jailbreak is still not near a public release, still in the first stages as seen in the screenshots and requires a lot of work. However, this news are by far the greatest for all iPhone 4S owners.
The first screenshot shows root access on the iPhone 4S on iOS 5, and the second shows Cydia 1.1.1 running on iPhone 4,1 (AKA iPhone 4S).

As we`ve already mentioned all available jailbreaks on iOS 5 are tethered which mean you`ll have to connect your device to the computer every time you reboot. We received news also a couple of days ago about a semi-tethered jailbreak allowing users to jailbreak on iOS 5 while on the go, yet not without flaw. Still was a good compromise.

Hopefully the iPhone 4S jailbreak on iOS 5 will be untethered. Looking forward to more good news on the matter. It`s safe to assume we`ll receive a jailbroken iPad 2 soon.

UPDATE: iPad 2 running iOS 5 jailbroken too. The team posted a quick video demo, you can watch it here.


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