Only two days ago, Apple released its new iOS 5.0.1 to developers. This version brought bug fixes for a lot of issues in iOS 5 like the battery life bug, the iPad 2 smart cover issue, adding original mulit-tasking gestures to the original iPad, resolves bugs with documents in the Cloud and more.

So far iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 is no different from iOS 5.0.1 in terms of the bugs patches it brings, but it`s definitely going to be more stable .

iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 works for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 3G/4G, original iPad and iPad 2. You`ll need a developer account to get the iOS 5.0.1 beta 2. If you have one, head to the iOS Dev Center and download the IPSW.

iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 can be jailbroken using RedSn0w or Snowbreeze.

Download iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 [iOS Dev Center Link]


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