We have been hearing a lot of news for some time now about Siri`s port to iPhone 4 and iPod Touch which was after some hard work on the part of the jailbreak community, successfully ported and connected to Apple`s servers indicated through by a confirmation message “Mission control, I read you loud and clear”. As much as this news brought joy to older iPhone devices owners, it didn’t last for long since the hack can`t be publicly released for copyright reasons..major disappointment.

However, we got some exciting news today about one developer, Aman Gupta, AKA Tmm1 who successfully managed to intercept the way between Siri and Apple`s servers to tricking Siri into generating his own personal commands.

Developer Aman Gupta with the help of renowned developer Chpwn managed to insert custom commands into Siri. This news means that once the iPhone 4S receives a jailbreak, you`ll be able to install this on your iPhone and potentially be enhanced by the jailbreak community to respond to your own personal commands; you could make Siri say anything you want.

According to Aman Gupta`s tweet, a jailbroken iPhone 4S was not required at that point, but you have to be on a network that lets you redirect Siri traffic through a proxy (via ipatables, etc).

We`re not yet sure if his system will see the light of day, but we sure hope so.
(Source: Twitter)


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