Installing OS X Lion on a Windows system is not a novel idea, but those who have attempted it know how energy-draining it could be. The result is good yes, but the steps are just too many. First you have to install Snow Leopard followed by an upgrade process to “hackintosh” Apple`s operating system.

Hardware wiz tonymacx86, famous for developing the hackintosh project has come up with a way to make the process less tedious with fewer steps by introducing UniBeast all-in-one bootable USB drive.

It basically turns your flash drive into bootable operating system. In this method no optical drive is necessary to create your own hackintosh.

Here`s how go about the process:

Firstly, you will need a copy of OS X Lion (downloadable)from the Mac App Store or attainable via the official Lion USB flash drive), and a separate 8GB (or more) flash drive.

Additionally, you will need UniBeast, which can be downloaded from here.

Step 1: Firstly, you’ll need to create a bootable USB drive using UniBeast. Open/Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility and highlight your USB drive on your Mac.

Step 2: Next, click the Partition tab, then Current and opt for 1 Partition. Then, click Options and select Master Boot Record.

Step 3: Change Name to ‘USB’ (can use any name, but we’ll use USB for the benefit of this tut), and select Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as your format. Once you’re done, select Apply followed by Partition.

NOTE: If you’re using the Install Mac OS X Lion Application, be sure to check that it’s been placed in the /Applications folder. If you’re instead using the OS X Lion USB Thumb Drive, plug it in.

Step 4: Download and run UniBeast. Continue through the first few steps.

Step 5: At Destination Select, click USB and then Continue.

Step 6: Select the package name of the method you’ll be using to install as depicted below. Laptop users will need to select the Laptop Support in addition. Once that’s done, hit Continue.

Step 7: Enter password and click Install. Depending on the speed of your system and the flash drive, it could take up to 15 minutes.

Step 8: Boot from your freshly prepared USB flash drive and install.


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