Update : Version 4.1.3 released ! Crack is out !!
v 4.1.3
* Fixed BTHomeHub routers empty password array error.
* Ready for every iOS version (iOS 5, iOS 4 and OS 3).
[NOTE] To activate your license you must be connected via WiFi or 3G and follow these steps:
– Open iWEP Pro app
– Tap on the top-right corner “i” button
– Tap on the arrow next to “Validate application”
– Enter at least 3 letters/numbers in “PayPal Transaction ID” field
– Tap on “Validate License” button
Download 4.1.3 Cracked : Official
iWep PRO is an application for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch that allow users check if their routers are exposed to some vulnerabilities.
Main vulnerability is WEP/WPA key calculation. There are some routers that can be easily hacked just in few minutes. This happens ONLY when router´s factoy settings were not changed. If factory settings were changed, iWep PRO is useless with your router. iWep PRO is based in WEP/WPA calcualtion methods found in internet. You can find them on your own, and check them yourself.
This application is suposed to be used with your own routers. Application Developers did not support any other use for the application. You will need to be agree before use iWep PRO.
iWep PRO provides tools to check if your router is exposed to key calculation. Supported routers are detected automatically. So, just select one supported network and wait untill iWep PRO finds, or not, your WEP/WPA key.
* Search WEP/WPA key for supported routers and networks. See compatible routers and networks below.
* Scan for networks arround you.
* Auto-connect to network when a key is found. and connect to open routers.
* Manual password connection for supported and unsupported networks.
* WLAN_XX. (Only for Spain)
* SpeedTouchXXXXXX. Thomson router. Found in several countries.
* ThomsonXXXXXX. Thomson router. Found in several countries.
* BTHomeHub-XXXX. Thomson router. Found in UK.
* INFINITUMXXXXXX. 6 digits. Thomson router. Found in Mexico.
* EircomXXXX XXXX. Found in Ireland.
* Bbox-XXXXXX. Thomson router. Found in France.
* DMAX XXXXXX. Thomson router.
* Orange-XXXXXX. Thomson router. Several countries.
* Dlink-XXXXXX. D-Link routers. Several countries.
* Alice-XXXXXXXX. Alice routers.
* Fastweb-1-XXXXXXXX. Fastweb Routers Version 1.
* CytaXXXXXX. Thomson router. Several countries.
* TN_private_XXXXXX. Just found in Sweden.
* WLANXXXXXX. Ya.com Routers.
* WiFiXXXXXX. Ya.com Routers.
* YACOMXXXXXX. Ya.com Routers.
* WLAN_XXXX. New Movi*tar routers.
* JAZZTEL_XXXX. New Jaz*tel routers.
* INFINITUMXXXX. Except 2wire routers.
Dictionaries are DEB files, and have to be installed just like all other DEBs (using iFile or via MobileTerminal/SSH) or downloading them from a cydia repo!
Official iWazowski cydia repo is: http://iwazowski.com/repo/
iWep PRO Dictionary Routers for BTHomeHub Routers:
iWep PRO Dictionary Routers for Thomson Based Routers:
Previous Version :
4.1.2 : Official
4.1.1 : Official
4.0.6 : Official
3.2.1 : Official
3.1.9 : Official
3.1.8 : Official
3.1.7 : Official : Official
1.1.4 : 4shared
1.1.0 : 4shared
1.0.8: 4shared