Since the intelligent voice assistant worked its magic, everyone wanted Siri. Older devices owners have been hoping hackers and developers would crack the code so they could have Siri too. Some guys are even hoping to get it on their desktop.

While we wait for some good news coming from either Apple or hackers, TUAW has found a way to use Siri to dictate text to your desktop computer (Mac or PC).

It entails using apps like Mobile Mouse, a remote application, to dictate text on their desktops connecting to a desktop client over Wi-Fi allowing you to use your iPhone to type on your computer. It`s really easy and accurate.

All you have to do is install Mobile Mouse`s desktop client. As you guys know, dictation software is pretty pricey,it can go up to $50.If you want to give this method a try, Download Mobile Mouse Lite from the App store or you can get a bit pro with the pro version for only $2.00.


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