Apple has added the Black Firday banner to their online store. Black Friday will fall on the 25th of November this year. Mark you calenders guys.
“Mark your calendar now, and come back to the Apple Online Store for the special one-day event. You’ll discover amazing iPad, iPod and Mac gifts for everyone on your list.”
Apple`s discounts are relatively small compared to the offers made by most electronic retail stores. The good news is the offers remain all day. So,you won`t have to wake up early or stand in lines. If you’d like to take your new iPod, iPad or Mac home the same day you purchase it, you can walk in to a US store and receive the same Black Friday discount found online.
We`ll show you the deals Apple made last year which might tip us off as to the deals we should expect this year.
- iMac: $101 off all models
- MacBook Pro: $101 off all models
- MacBook Air: $101 off all models
- iPod Nano: $11 off 8GB, $21 off 16GB
- iPad: ($41 off all models)
- iPod touch: ($21-$41 depending on model)
Awaiting a lot Apple surprises on Black Friday.