Yesterday, developer posixninja with the chronic dev team issued a blogpost in which they updated us on the current status of jailbreak. He said that among the reasons that belated an untethered iOS 5 jailbreak is the “premature” announcements the team made last September about discovering several iOS 5 exploits which could pave the way for a major jailbreak. However, the hasty announcement tipped Apple early as to the exploits it had in its software and which Apple fixed in the later software update version, rendering the chronic dev team`s hard work obsolete.

Posixninja said that this is not the first time the Chronic Dev Team loses useful exploits in this way that Apple patches the exploits up before the hackers could make the most of them.

To prevent the frequent repeat of this saddening scenario, the Chronic Dev Team thought of a way to get around Apple laying first hand on the exploits. The Dev Team has come with a master plan to turn the tables around.

First of all, they explained how Apple finds out about the exploits. Every time any program crashes on your iPhone, a crash report is sent to Apple and that`s also what the hackers do when they try to exploit a vunerability. They crash any program thousands of times. However, unlike any iPhone user, they know how Apple could exploit such crash reports, and that`s why every member on the Chronic Dev has modified their iTunes settings to prevent their phones from sending these crash reports. Nontheless, its not always 100% effective. For instance, if you`re at a friend`s house and you plug in your iPhone to the computer to charge it, there`s a high chance the computer is set to send all crash reports back to Apple.

With that reason, Chronic Dev are unable to use beta testing of their software before it`s released as any beta tester could be unintentionally sending valuable data and crash reports to Apple alerting the company to their exploits giving them, thus, the chance to fix it before a jailbreak is out.

So, instead of helping Apple make use of the exploits first, the Chronic Dev is seeking the help of iPhone users to stop their crash reports vicious circle by developing a software which will be set up on your computer. What this software does is send all of your iPhone`s crash reports to a secure, private server instead of Apple`s servers. The program proceeds to neuter your copy of iTunes, simply by changing your settings to prevent your computer from sending any further diagnostic information from your device to Apple.

Acquiring the biggest number of crash reports will help Chronic Dev Team to quickly determine the weak spots in various programs by using the same techniques that Apple employs. The data will point them in the direction of which programs are the most venerable so as to direct their energy and focus on these and it will also prevent Apple from using your valuable data against you.

Chronic Dev Team uploaded the software to their servers for users to download.

Let`s keep our fingers crossed for an untethered jailbreak soon.



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