The German site Macerkof suggests that Apple is currently testing quad-core handsets besides its dual-core handsets. Well, we wouldn`t eliminate that rumor completely for Apple could be testing about anything and everything in their labs, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we`ll be seeing it in action soon for technology may not be ready or is just not suitable if Apple wants to maintain a certain price point.
Since Android phones are in the midst of a CPU arms race,the odds are very high that Apple wants to stay ahead of the race by testing its own super-powered handsets with the aim of bringing it to the market in the future. As you know, Apple currently owns one of the fastest handsets out there.
We have yet another rumor suggesting that Apple is also testing a variety of different screen resolution with the current Retina Display being 960×640. The screen ratios suggested are crazy. Macerkopf says that Apple is working on a 720p display with resolution of 1280×720 pixels. Again, don`t rule it out.