We talked about Carrier IQ, the hidden tracking software that comes pre-installed on some handsets like Android, BlackBerry, HTC and iPhone. This keylogging software records your messages, calls, keylogs and other data which is considered a major violation of privacy.

In response to the accusations, Apple issued a statement saying that it did use Carrier IQ in older software versions, but not in iO5 and is not planning on using it in the future.

BGR is reporting that multiple law firms from the north eastern region of the United States have just filed class action lawsuits against Apple and other manufacturers and wireless carriers for using a spying software.

The firms asserted last week in a joint press release that T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T, HTC, Motorola, Apple and Samsung have violated the Fedral Wiretap Act, the Stored Electronic Communications Act and the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act by installing CIQ on their handsets using it to store the users` personal data.

From the press release:

The carriers and manufacturers were caught last month willfully violating customers’ privacy rights in direct violation of federal law. A technology blogger in Connecticut discovered that software design and sold by California-based Carrier IQ, Inc. was secretly tracking personal and sensitive information of cell phone users without the consent or knowledge of the users.

We are hopeful that the courts will allow ordinary customers the opportunity to remedy this outrageous breach. Anyone who cares at all about their personal privacy, or the broader constitutional right to privacy, ought to care and care a great deal about this case.

The question now is what would the court ruling be? And what will become of the accused carriers?


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