As you guys know, Apple has just released final version of iOS 5.0.1 to the masses. This version brings a lot of bug fixes like the quick battery drainage issue, better overall performance, multitasking gestures for iPad 1 and Siri improvements.

Early reports suggest that the update has indeed resolved those issues in iOS 5 as promised. However iOS 5.0.1 is going to be tethered since Apple has fixed the iOS bug discovered by Charlie Miller in this update. In case you don`t remember, tethered jailbreak means you`ll have to connect your device to the PC every time you reboot. That`s why if you`re planning to jailbreak your iDevice, don`t update to that version.

Here`s how you jailbreak iOS 5.0.1:
Step 1: Download the latest version of iTunes (10.5) for Windows or Mac.
Step 2: Back your iDevice up through iTunes. We’re not expecting anything to go majorly wrong – it’s just a precautionary measure.
Step 3: Update your device to iOS 5.0.1.
Step 4: Download the latest version of Redsn0w for Windows or Mac.
Step 5: Run Redsn0w. Select “Extras”, followed by “Select IPSW”, and point it to the iOS 5.0 firmware file, Select the appropriate firmware file tailored for your iDevice.

Step 6: Then hit “Jailbreak”, and select “Install Cydia”. Follow the steps through DFU mode, and then Redsn0w will apply the jailbreak.
Step 7: Once everything is complete, you will need to boot tethered. Launch Redsn0w, select “Extras”, followed by “Just Boot”. You will need to perform this action every time your device is switched off or rebooted.

STEP 8: Now head to Cydia then search for “SemiTether” and install the tool:

NOTE: The last step about SemiTether is optional for users. It will allow you to reboot your device without need to a computer to connect to. You’ll lose some functions like opening mail and almost all jailbreak tweaks. You can read more here.


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