Sources from Apple’s supply chain have claimed that there will be two versions of the new iPad, one targeting the high-end segment and the other the mid-range. Digitimes Research believe the two new iPad models will both be equipped the A6 processor with high-end model coming with a high resolution panel (2048×1536) and the mid-tier model featuring the same grade of panel as iPad 2 (1024×768).
We all know that the next gen iPad is likely to release in the first quarter of 2012 and to price at $499 with the current iPad 2 to drop to $399, but if Apple releases two versions of the next iPad, it`s very likely that the pricing will vary. It`s possible that the 8.75 will be priced at $299 to cater for the mid-range segment.
Currently, the non-Apple section prices range from US$199-399 like Amazon`s Kindle Fire. If Apple drops its iPad price to US$299, it could seriously affect the non-Apple camp’s pricing strategy.