Potential jailbreakers, it`s high time you save your SHSH blobs. P0sixninja in his tweet two days ago, in which he said he is working on a jailbreak for A5 devices, advised jailbreakers to hurry up and save their SHSH blobs except unlockers.

TinyUmberlla, the easiest and fastest way to save your blobs, was updated today to support saving blobs on the second iOS 5.0.1 build (9A406).

As you must have heard, Pod2G tweeted yesterday that he had made some significant progress in the A5 untethered jailbreak and if all goes well, we will be seeing a release next week.

Download iOS 5.0.1 9A406 for iPhone 4S

Update: Because some windows users were having a problem that the app crashes on Launch, Notcom [the developer behind the TinyUmbrella] has updated TinyUmbrella to fix this problem.

TinyUmbrella 5.10.05 is released to fix this crashing issue. If you are having this problem, download TinyUmbrella from the links given HERE. According to the developer:

Thanks to an especially determined user (@szr8) I finally squashed a nasty bug that caused Windows users’ TU to crash on startup. Apparently it was something stupid that I was doing that I thought i wasn’t doing. 🙂 Either way. Many of you have voiced this issue but now it’s fixed. This fix affects you if TU would crash on startup with “LibraryFinder” errors in the log.Download Links:

Download TinyUmbrella 5.10.05 for Windows

Download TinyUmbrella 5.10.05 for Mac OSx.


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