, Improve your range!, Save battery!, and Transmit over great distances under water! Yes you can do all the previous with Chamtech’s spray-on antenna. It is a real product. It can be sprayed on almost any surface, even trees and orange barrels. It doesn’t suck up power. It works in a mysterious nanotech way.

Here’s how you can use:
Step 1: Spray antenna material on surface.
Step 2: Connect phone to material.
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Make a phone call to the moon.

What did Anthony Sutera, Chamtech co-founder say about the spray? Just watch the video
“We have come up with a material that when you spray it on, it lays out just in the right pattern and all of these little capacitors charge and discharge extremely quickly in real time and they don’t create any heat,”

And Here Is His Video:


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