RedSn0w 0.9.11 was updated to b4 before we even noticed there was a b3, so we’ve included both changelogs:
“Version 0.9.11b3 should fix the spurious “Restore failed†messages people were sometimes getting, and it behaves better with nearby devices that have wifi syncing enabled!
Version 0.9.11b4 completes the tethered JB support for 5.1.1 on A4 devices and earlier, including proper “Stitching†and “Custom†creation of NO_BB IPSWs.â€
And as we said above, this is a Tethered jailbreak for A4 devices users only who are on iOS 5.1.1. But really we wanted to tell you to downgrade but this is only for A5 devices users like iPhone 4S and iPad 2 who are on iOS 5.1.1 and want to downgrade to iOS 5.0.1. Now Let us began downloading Redsn0w b4:
Download RedSn0w 0.9.11 beta 4 [Mac]
Download RedSn0w 0.9.11 beta 4 [Windows]