iOS 6 was just released yesterday and iPhone Dev Team front man, MuscleNerd, has managed to jailbreak it on his 4th generation iPod Touch. The jailbreak is not be available at the time being since Cydia is still not working and the jailbreak is currently tethered.

Well, this might not be a great disappointment since iOS 6 is still in beta version and is expected to release in September along with the next iPhone.

According to MuscleNerd, it will be a while though before we see an official untethered jailbreak, but for now it is interesting to know they are working on it.

Here’s ioreg of my tethered-JB ipt4g 6.0: .. MANY things including Cydia are broken, don’t expect beta JB for a while!
— MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd) June 12, 2012.


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