Here are the steps to Install Cydia on your jailbroken iOS 6 iPhone 4S , iPhone 4 , iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 4 . Since the jailbreak on iOS 6 beta was meant for developers only , it didn’t include installing Cydia as most apps are not supported on iOS 6 . Generally the jailbreak process involves installing Cydia which allows the jailbroken device to download other jailbreak apps . Cydia acts as an App Store or jailbreak apps . Please note that most apps wont function on iOS 6 as the firmware has not been released for general public .

Steps to Install Cydia on iOS 6 beta :

  1. Jailbreak and boot tethered your iOS 6 device. See this iOS 6 jailbreak tutorial for details
  2. SSH into your device . Use your home wi-fi network for this process . Use SSH tools available for the Mac and Windows operating system . Use WinScp
  3. SSH username = “root” SSH password = “alpine”
  4. Execute the following command via SSH wget -q -O /tmp/ && chmod 755 /tmp/ && /tmp/
  5. Your device will respring, and Cydia should now appear on your home screen.
  6. Launch Cydia and it will begin Preparing Filesystem as shown below
  7. Now you can use Cydia and start installing apps and tweaks via Cydia. Beware that most apps and tweaks have not been updated with iOS 6 in mind, so your mileage may vary as far as compatibility is concerned. Proceed at your own risk.

Here is a Video explanation : YouTube

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