One of the things which maybe a bit of a hassle in this tweak is that you have to adjust the brightness on each page. It would have been great if the brightness adjustment on the home page would have resulted in adjustment on all pages. But it doesn’t happen so. The changes are restricted on the page on which they were made. So you would have to do them again. For instance if you were to lower the brightness on the first page, when you tap the second page-the brightness level wouldn’t have changed there. So instead of having a uniform brightness, you have a changing effect that wouldn’t be pleasant at all times.
Another thing to notice about this tweak is that it mentions that you can make changes to it via the setting menu (Settings app). However, one is surprised to find that there is no such option when the panel is open. When you open the panel for SlideSB, there would be no such option. No configuration option and no other options. All that is there is the opportunity to connect on social network or making a donation to PayPal, and nothing pertaining to the setting.
In a nutshell, as a free tweak, it offers decent features for the users. Feel free to leave your thoughts on SlideSB.