Previously we have been seeing a lot of news and bashing of the Apple Maps featured in the iOS 6. Interesting news in this regards of a known iOS hacker, Ryan Perrich who is working to better the issues that have been created by Apple Maps. If this is true and works out, then there is a lot of relief for people who have been disappointed by the Maps application from Apple.
Another tidbit comes from TechCrunch who have figured that Apple is still resorting to Google Maps when it comes to contact with non iOS users. That sure is interesting.
It was also seen that is actually routed to This phenomenon was most lately seen during June when the WWDC event was taking place. Perhaps Apple noticed this and was noted to have modified its DNS. It then had an internal IP; which probably transferred to Google Maps. It sure does get weirder. Initially it was though that Apple was doing it for test runs.
More news that comes from TechCrunch is that Apple is also brining in Google Maps workers. This was said one of their sources who found that people whose contract had expired at Google were hired by Apple. This was easy for many people, since they had heard that Apple was going to have its own Map apps pretty soon. As per the source, a worker of repute in Google Maps was hired by Apple owing to his technical prowess. He is currently serving as a GIS analyst their and came highly recommended to Cupertino. The same source told that a project lead in Google was also hired by Apple when his contract terminated.
People like Jean Louis Gassee are of the idea that the all the tirade that has been directed at Apple Maps is the cause of Apple’s own wrongdoings. Apple was quite confident of its Maps Apps and the demonstration was focused on how well it works. This misled many of Apple users who thought that this app would really be something. What Apple forgot to mention was the many inconsistencies that are present, and are now being highlighted everywhere. Apple should have realized that Google Maps had quite an audience and the competitive edge could only have been obtained if Apple had phased the entire project properly.
Apple marketed by saying that this was the most beautiful maps app ever. However, Google Maps is very highly rated. Something that should have been picked up by Cupertino and should have taken time to develop. The recovery and redemption of Apple Maps relies in Apple’s improving of their resource and hiring people who are capable to completing such a project and most importantly competitive enough to compete against Google. Watch this video.