According to a recent tweet from Planetbeing, he suggested that he and Pod2g may now be working together towards a publicly releasable untethered jailbreak of iOS 6 and iPhone 5. Many sites and information confirmed that the two hackers have already obtained some interesting progress.
Planetbeing have updated their status on Twitter by posting the following message:

Made some nice progress today with @ pod2g. I think I’ll try to reward myself with a nap.
I got some good progress today in conjunction with pod2g. I guess now I will take a nap.

As we know, at the start of this month, Planetbeing said that he was in ownership of an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.0.2; however, an additional exploit or two was needed before a public release in order to retain a failbreak to help with finding future jailbreaks.

Pod2g has long been working on the jailbreak of iOS 6 and the devices for which the jailbreak is not yet available in any form, ie iPhone 5 and iPad iPad mini and fourth generation. Recently, pod2g announced 2G Lab, his new software company that will focus on the development of applications and provide, at the same time, an important contribution in the field of security research.
Hopefully, with planetbeing and pod2g teaming up, we will finally see a jailbreak for iOS 6!
Of course we will continue to keep you updated about it.


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