But now and for some unknown reasons, Apple removed this feature in iOS 6 leaving us without a native way to do things like listen to YouTube
videos in Safari while texting or browsing Twitter. But the good news
is, we’ve come across a fairly easy way to get it back…
Before we get started, I want you to try something. Open Safari (or
Chrome), navigate to YouTube.com, and play a video. Now pause the video,
close the app, double tap your Home button, swipe to the left and press
Play. Did it work? No? Ok, let’s go.
NOTE: This trick requires a jailbroken device running on iOS 6.
STEP 1: Open up Cydia and tap the Manage tab located at the bottom of the screen.
Select Sources > Edit > Add and type in the following: http://cydia.myrepospace.com/bestguyhaha. Now tap Add Source.
STEP 2: Now after you added the above repo, select the Search tab from the bottom of the screen and do a search for BgVideo. This should bring up the tweak, which you’ll install like normal. Then, your device will re-spring.
STEP 3: And that’s all there is to it! After your device re-springs, try playing
audio from a video in the background by repeating the
above-mentioned exercise. It should work this time.
Now try to play any video’s audio in the playback background and it will work with you..
Any questions ?