Do you want to see the animated Apple logo that you saw on your iPhone after restoring ? Probably you wish to see it each time you respring your iPhone so it makes it much more cooler than the rolling circle. If you want to have the animated Apple logo on your iPhone then let me introduce for you Beacon jailbreak tweak.

Beacon is a new jailbreak tweak that forces the animated Apple logo to appear each time your respring or reboot your device. That animation is accompanied by a transition animation when switching to your Lock screen. With all of this said, you’d have to really, and I mean really, love that animation in order to be willing to cough up $0.99 for the privilege.

After you install the tweak on your device, go to the tweak settings menu and choose from several different transition animations for the logo to Lock screen transition. Unfortunately, resprings aren’t all that eloquent in the first place on a jailbroken iPhone, and this tweak doesn’t really help in that area.

You can get Beacon tweak from Cydia store for $0.99 via BigBoss repo. Enjoy all!


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