Probably everyone know Ayecon the popular jailbreak tweak theme we’ve ever seen until now, and everyday it keep getting more popular than before.. Auxo, like ayecon, is insanely popular in its own right. But how do you get the pair to play nice together? It’s actually really simple — you download the official ayecon theme for Auxo, that’s how.
ayecon Auxo Theme is a free WinterBoard theme, and it comes directly from the creator of ayecon — Surenix. That means you can expect it to be a 1:1 match with the rest of the ayecon theme from a visual perspective.
Check out before and after Ayecon Auxo Theme.
ayecon Auxo Theme makes the toggles found in Auxo match the style that you find in the full ayecon WinterBoard theme. You’ll immediately notice the border effect that has become ayecon’s visual stamp.
So in case you are interested you can grab Ayecon Auxo theme from Cydia store for free via BigBoss repo..