Today I’ve got a new recently released jailbreak tweak called PullAll and it simply allows you to add the same pull refresh functions from the stock mail app to any WebView, that’s mean that you will be able to use the pull to refresh to any app that use Webview like Safari web browser, Twitter, Facebook and more….

Along with PullAll’s functionality, the animation, too, is pulled directly from the Mail app. PullAll can also be customized to your liking by means of a handy preference pane. Check inside for a few more details as to how it’s all put together…

In the above screenshot you can see that the pull to refresh is a little bit difference from the native one. PullAll allows you to use pull to refresh in any app using WebView. The screenshot above is from Reeder, a popular RSS client. Reeder includes a WebView for viewing RSS items in an in-app browser. A simple pull to refresh will perform a refresh on the browser view.

Using the RGB colors you will be able to customize the pull button color. Along with that, the settings include options for retaining or discarding the “Pull to Refresh” text, and the ability to exclude specific apps from using PullAll.

PullAll works very great on my iPhone and it is very useful for too many people, so in case you are interested the tweak will costs you $1.00 from Cydia store via BigBoss repo.. So what do you think ?


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