From a few days ago we reviewed an upcoming jailbreak tweak called Luna, for those who haven’t heard about it, Luna is a tweak that lets you turn Do Not Disturb on and off, directly from the Lock screen or from Notification Center with a simple pull down gesture. Additionally, when your device is unlocked, Luna will display notifications with non intrusive banners. And today I am so glad to tell you that the tweak has just landed on Cydia…

The price of the tweak is high however the tweak doesn’t do any important thing. But as always, you get what you pay for. Ryan Petrich is a highly skilled developer who has always released high quality tweaks.

But for me I think Luna jailbreak tweak is useless for more and I am not ready to pay for a tweak I am not going to use.. I already use NCSettings, LockScreenToggles and others tweaks.. 
At any rate, if you’re in the market for a simple and quick way to enable and disable Do Not Disturb, this is your tweak. It is available on the BigBoss repo for $2.
What’s your take on it?


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