I know that there is a hundreds of jailbreak tweaks that can do that, but that’s doesn’t mean you should ignore LockBar settings. In fact, it’s actually a pretty handy little utility. You see, its toggles stay hidden on your Lock screen until you swipe up, or double tap, on the ‘slide to unlock’ bar to reveal them…
As you’d expect, LockBar Settings Lite has a sizable options menu in the Settings app. Here you can set its activation method—swipe or double tap—and program its toggles. You can have up to 4 of them, and enable them with either a single or double tap.
Unfortunately, there aren’t a whole lot of toggles to choose from. I counted six, including Airplane, Bluetooth, Flashlight, Location, Respring and Wi-Fi. It’s a decent start, but here’s hoping the developer plans to add others, like DoNotDisturb and AutoLock.