Today I’ve got some great news for Apple TV 3 users, a new hack has just landed allows you to run plex on your Apple TV 3 without needing to jailbreak it. Since the last year we haven’t seen any jailbreak for ATV3. So this new hack referred to as ‘PlexConnect,’ essentially allows you to run Plex media center software on your Apple TV, enabling you to playback various types of content from your local network on your big screen. And all it takes is a single settings change…

In case you don’t know what is Plex, it is a media player that consists of both a desktop app and a server. The app allows you to manage and playback your media (videos, photos, music, etc.), and the server will stream it to other devices running the client.

From Plex’s blog (via GigaOM):
“Enter PlexConnect. The brainchild of Baa and roidy, it’s a super clever little hack which allows a rich, fully-functional Plex client on un-jailbroken ATV2 and ATV3 (1080p!) devices. Essentially, you run a program on your computer which masquerades as the Trailer app. Next, change one setting on the ATV, and you’re up and running. It took me less than 2 minutes to install and get it running. It already uses the new transcoder (which means great support for subtitles), and I suspect it’ll support myPlex soon as well. In the PlexPass preview release of the media server, it also supports AC3 5.1 (remuxing and transcoding from DTS).”
It’s kind of cool actually that PlexConnect uses Apple’s Trailers app as a portal of sorts to the ATV. Almost like they’re using it against them. You’d think such a workaround would cause there to be lag in video streaming, but there doesn’t appear to be any delay:

Follow this step-step guide to run Plex on your Apple TV 3 without needing to jailbreak it.. Do you know what I am going to do right now ? I am going to buy an Apple TV 3 and watch any movies I like …


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