In the past few months we’ve been hearing a lot of rumors and concepts claiming how the iOS 7 will look like, some of them was great and the other was like a piece of dirt. Today the author of the popular blog Daring Fireball John Gruber offered up a few tidbits he’s heard about what Apple may unveil at its WWDC keynote tomorrow.

John Gruber knew a lot of things that Apple is doing in its factories, but today we’ve got some news from he which says he has heard from somebody from inside Apple and who’s familiar with the company’s planes that “all of the leaks are wrong” in regards to iOS 7

Here’s a rough transcript of Gruber’s comments (via MacRumors):

“I know almost absolutely nothing. I don’t think I’ve been this ignorant of what’s coming, software-wise, for a keynote since the iPhone 1 back in 2007. Which is great…I’m super excited about it. […]
The one thing I keep hearing over and over again from friends who would know is…the one word I keep hearing is that some of the stuff they’re going to show is “polarizing”.
And I also heard from somebody that just “all the leaks are wrong”. Which is interesting. I have no idea what to make of it.”

Interesting isn’t it ? According to my memory, almost all the reports we’ve heard regarding iOS 7 up to this point have matched up.

The Wall Street Journal first reported this back in March of this year, and it’s been corroborated by several reputable outlets since then including 9to5Mac, Bloomberg, and AllThingsD. Ive is said to be pushing for a ‘very flat design.’

I know that you are all so excited and can’t wait, but come on guys, everything we need to know will appear after a few hours from now

So right now I advice you to leave the rumors and reports you have heard behind your back and keep going on until the WWDC 2013 starts. Make sure you keep yourself updated with us in our live coverage for the event. The keynote is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. PST.


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