Not really – Apple would run out of cat names had they hone with the Sea Lion name. Therefore, the company has chosen the naming convention that will take them into the next ten years. Say hello to OS X Mavericks…
Thats not all, one of the mail core system power features, include compressed memory, compressed app-specific nap mode, the latest Open GL version for fast graphics, Core Animation-accelerated scrolling, timer coalescing and more.
Apple announced a new Safari to go along with OS X Mavericks. There’s a number of new consumer-facing features as well as under the hood improvements. For starters, the sidebar which contained the browser’s Reading List feature now has new functionality — you can go through your Reading List, browse your bookmarks, and share links all from the sidebar. You can also continuously scroll through your saved reading list articles in the sidebar without having to back out and select the next link.
As for performance improvements, the biggest is probably being able to devote a full process per tab — Chrome has implemented this for a while, and it helps keep a crash in one tab from taking down the entire browser.
OS X Mavericks contains a Finder-Tabs to de-clutter your desktop and Tags. Federighi said you can tag things wherever they are, including on iCloud or file shares.
With this feature, you will be able to summon both the menu bar and the dock on a per-display basis. In a demo given on stage, Federighi opened apps on two displays. He then sent a secondary display app to full screen and swiped between them with ease.
In addition to having different full screen apps on different displays, he showed off dragging assets between full screen apps, dragging window and full screen apps in Mission Control, which also opens on each of your displays.