The big social network Facebook is looking forward to host a new media event on June 20th, saying they have been working on “Big Ideas”. The company started sending invitations to a media event scheduled for June 20th. Facebook’s invite doesn’t offer many details, but it does say that it’s been working on big ideas…

ABC News’ Joanna Stern reports:

“Facebook seems to have even more products up its sleeve. On the heels of releasing its new hashtag feature this week and the roll out of its new iPhone and Android features, the company will hold an event on Thursday, June 20 at its headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif. to show off a “new product.”
“A small team has been working on a big idea,” the invitation reads. “Join us for coffee and learn about a new product.”

Stern says that the invite arrived in a clean white envelope—that’s right, they used snail mail instead of e-mail, and she says the invitation is almost as mysterious as the event itself. What could Facebook possibly be announcing?

“Join us for coffee and learn about a new product” What a nice words to invite people, but the question here is what is the new product ? 

For a long time, the company was thought to be working on a smartphone, but those rumors were addressed back in April when it introduce Facebook Home and the HTC First, neither of which has seen much (if any) success. So unless it’s going to unveil a major Home redesign, this seems more than unlikely.

Can we see on June 20th a Facebook Phone ? I can’t think about it right now and I better not…
What about you ? What do you think Facebook is hiding for us on June 20th ?


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