Listening to music on your iPhone or iPod Touch is a very wonderful thing.. I know that a lot of users will complain about iPhone’s drain sound as you notice the sound looks poor sometimes when hearing to music..  But currently we’ve got for you two settings that will make music playback sound better on iPhone/iPad and iPod Touch… Here’s how…

The two adjustments we’ll focus on are not enabled by default, but by toggling Sound Check and EQ on, you will find that the mobile music listening experience will sound richer and have significantly less fluctuation in volume levels between songs. Here’s how to enable these two settings:

  • Open the Settings app and then head to “Music”
  • Flip “Sound Check” to ON
  • Next, tap on “EQ”, and then choose an equalizer setting most relevant to the majority of your music collection (Rock, R&B, and Pop are all decent choices for most music varieties)

Make sure that “Sound Check” is on and tap on “EQ” to choose from majority of your music collection (ROCK, R&B, POP and more….)

EQ: EQ stands for equalizer, which is used to alter the frequencies of audio output. Put simply for music, this means that specific EQ settings may bring out more bass, more treble, higher frequencies, or lower frequencies, which can have a significant effect to how music sounds, and often results in music just plain sounding better.

Remember that these two settings will only impact audio that is outputted through the official iOS Music app, and other apps and audio streams will have no difference in how they sound.


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