iOS 7 beta 4 is finally here after a huge waiting time and delaying because of some technical errors in Apple’s developers center..  Beta 4 comes with a lot of great changes and new improvements beside bugs fixes.. Below we are going to show you 11 important and nice changes happened in iOS 7 beta 4..

. 1) Tweaked Lockscreen: 

The lockscreen isn’t so darn confusing. Apple changed the up arrow for Control Center to a flat bar—that way you don’t slide up when trying to unlock your phone.

2) HDR Button Moved In Camera App: 
3) Phone Buttons Changed: 

The call/answer/decline buttons in the Phone app have been squared off a little more.

4) The First Name and Last Name Initial Used In Conversation Thread: 

A reader pointed out that you can now edit how names appear in conversation threads from a new “Short Name” panel in the “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” section of the Settings app. Options include First Name & Last Initial, First Initial & Last Name, First Name Only, and Last Name Only.

5) Screenshot Detection API: 
Friends will still be able to see when you screenshot their Snapchats. 
6) Cancel In Spotlight: 
7) Search Bar In Reminders App: 

8) Notifications For Complete Uploads: 
9) Swipe Between Notifications Center Panels: 
10) Shuffle And Download All Songs Returns To Music App: 
11) New Siri Suggestions: 
So what do you think ? This is all the features I could spot..


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