After Samsung released its latest smartphones Samsung Galaxy S4, it came along with new unique features that we can’t pretend we didn’t see it. And one of them that has been getting a lot of attention is Smart Pause, a mechanism that auto-pauses a movie when you look away.

While I myself have never lusted after such a feature, I can see how it would come in handy in a variety of situations. So I was happy to find out that you no longer have to buy a Samsung device to get it. You just need the new ‘FaceHalt’ jailbreak tweak…

FaceHalth is a new recently released jailbreak tweak that brings Samsung’s smart pause feature to iPhone/iPad and iPod Touch.. Check out this video review for the tweak: 

The tweak is compatible with iPads 2,3,4 and the iPad mini, the iPhone 4S and 5 and the 5th gen iPod touch. And the developer says that it can hook into most applications, though apps with custom implementations (like VLC) need a little more work.

FaceHalt is activated via the Settings app, using the enable/disable toggle. Once it’s enabled, your videos will play and pause based on your gaze. For manual control, you can double tap on the Pause button to stop it, and press Play again to restart it

The tweak is available for $2 via BigBoss repo… Enjoy all and what do you think about it ?


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