The video, starring the machine, later went on air in theatres all across the nation. It shows the Mac Pro from different angles, but doesn’t reveal too many details about it. The commercial has now made way to YouTube, and it’s expected to go live on television pretty soon. Here’s the video:
For those who follow Apple regularly, they would know this is the same video that Apple’s CEO Tim Cook showed to the developers when the sneak peak tool place at WWD keynote for the Mac Pro. The tagline says ‘the future of the pro desktop’.
The new Mac Pro is said to be feature the latest Xeon E5 chips from Intel and an astonishing 12 CPU Cores, making it 2-2.5 faster than its previous versions. Other featured features include a unique black casing a small size, ultra-fast PCIe-based flash storage and 2 AMD FirePro GPU cards.
Apple mentioned the Mac Pro was due later this year, but the video says it’s going to come in Fall. The actual date is still unknown.
The new iPhone models are due for September 10, so this Mac Pro may follow soon after, perhaps with the new iPads, or a separate press release event. What do you think?