We’ve seen a lot of iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C photos, concepts, rumors and videos showing off the scratch resistance, iPhone 5C four colors and more. But now, we’re posting a video showing off all together in a hands-on comparison between the iPhone 5S, 5C and the iPhone 5.

AppAdvice could post a high definition video showing off casing of the rumored gold iPhones.

As shown in the video, the back inlay on the gold/champagne iPhone 5S has enough room to accommodate the rumored dual LED flash, but aside from its color, there’s not much of a difference when compared to the iPhone 5.

Of course, we can’t confirm whether it’s a real plastic iPhone 5C or not. We might be watching the final designs here.

We’ll wait till September 10th so that we can know everything about the new iPhones. 


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