Apple introduced a new audio call feature in iOS 7, which has taken the service to another level. The company now needs to leverage FaceTime audio calls with the new technology. Google Hangouts has already been doing that. 

FaceTime has been around for a few years, but Apple doesn’t allow companies to give support for the service. It should be similar to iMessage, because it works on any other phone.

The drawback of FaceTime is that you are required to know the brand that the other person has. The service should be working like iMessage, or atleast Skype, where people don’t have to worry about the device. Users would be willing to pay even if Apple charges.

Siri is an example that has been exclusive, but you can still ask it to make calls to those who are on for example Android. Apple should also bring this non user feature for FaceTime. At the moment, FaceTime can’t be used for a non-FaceTime user.

While the exclusivity won’t tempt anyone to switch to other platforms, FaceTime can easily become a great app and can also be used in Apple TV. Imagine seeing friends, family and peers on a set top box.

It’s time that Apple fulfills the promise that Steve Jobs made and bring FaceTime for the open source community. What do you think?

(via CultOfMac)


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