iPad bashing TV advertisements are nothing new from Microsoft, and now that it is going to be taking over the hardware business of Nokia, they’re also introducing them in the field. Nokia’s latest commercial takes a shot at Apple’s iPad.

The new ad should be about the Nokia 2520 tablet/slate, which was released a week ago. But… It’s only there for 5 seconds, and the rest of the video is about a consumer giving excuses to defend the iPad.

Here’s the video: 

The main story of the ad? The iPad doesn’t have a keyword so it lacks productivity. Really, what about the 100s of Android tablets out there without a keyboard? We bet both them and the iPad itself would sell far well than the Lumias slate with a keyboard.

Also, this isn’t the first time that Microsoft has taken a stance against the no-keyboard. But the main question is that do consumers really care? Would this advertisement make any difference to iPad sales?

We think it would be a good idea if Microsoft’s advertisements can show what the Lumia is capable of doing, instead of what the iPad is not capable of doing. Thoughts?


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