Samsung has made a lot of profits this year, but that hasn’t covered the negative reputation issues it has faced lately. It was reported earlier that they lost a case to Apple, and now a security experts points out that the KNOX security platform meant to enhance security of Galaxy S4 has some serious flaws.

KNOX was actually meant for securing business applications on the Android platform, researchers working on cyber-security at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel have pointed out vulnerabilities in Knox-based devices.

The Wall Street Journal sheds light on a report that mentions a security hole that can allow hackers to get access to the secure date on Samsung devices. All the users on the KNOX software are said to be at risk. KNOX can leak sensitive information like emails, communication data etc. to the hackers.

Samsung has a good chance of entering the enterprise market, with BlackBerry going out of competition, but these reports aren’t making much for their case. In fact, these security flaws can easily send users back to BlackBerries and brush out second thoughts of switching from iOS.

Samsung says it’s not bad as it looks, but they haven’t given us a good reason to believe so.


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