With Apple’s annual release schedule, rumors and leaks seem to pop up like clockwork as we approach the date of the next supposed launch. Today, Chinese site C Tech posted photos of what is claimed to be the next generation iPhone, which, if Apple continues the pattern, will likely be called the iPhone 6. The photos, shown above, are little more than an aluminum frame for the device, but compared to the current iPhone 5s, this new iPhone would be significantly thinner. As to the legitimacy of these components, iDB notes that there are some inconsistencies. For starters, what’s up with the edges having an old style roundedness to them? To me, this looks like a mid-plate, a design Apple long abandoned in favor of Unibody construction. However, C Tech has leaked parts before that turned out to be authentic, so if this component turns out to be legitimate it could be good for their track record. Some people have expressed concern with these leaks, worrying that the extreme thinness will come at the cost of battery life. Apple has never released a device with worse battery life, however, so these concerns can be put to rest. What do you think about this form factor? Would you buy an ultra thin iPhone 6?


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