For me, I love trying tweaks that make a few changes in the status bar specifically.. Today we’ve got for you a tweak called SameStatus, the tweak simply allows you to make the size of the Lock screen status bar match the size of the Home screen status bar.

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but the information contained on the status bar on iOS 7′s Lock screen is a bit larger than the same info shown on the Home screen status bar. SameStatus is tweak that allows you to “fix” this issue.

The tweak doesn’t need anything to be done, once install it, the tweak will simply take the effect on your device.. SameStatus is a ridiculously simple tweak, but I like it a lot, and recommend it. If you want to try it, then go to Cydia’s BigBoss repo where it can be had for free. Let us know what do you think and have you noticed any differences with your status bar ?


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