iOS keyboard is smart and it is better from many other smartphone’s keyboards.. But to be honest, there is a few little things that should be made to the iOS keyboard. Most of people get tired quickly from switching between ABC keyboard and the numeric keyboard, now you don’t have to worry because we’ve got for you exKey jailbreak tweak….

This tweak adds a fifth row to the iOS keyboard. The tweak, which works on iOS 5 through iOS 7, allows users to type more efficiently, because they should spend less time switching between the numeric and alpha keys.

exKey tweak is very useful and make typing more easily and quickly than before, so you don’t have to keep switching between numeric and ABC keyboard anymore.. 
Check out this video review:

Once installing exKey, there is no options to be configured, you will find a new fifth row installed on the stock keyboard.. . If you’re interested in giving it a try, you can find it for $0.99 on Cydia’s BigBoss repo.

To be honest, such a simple tweak, it gives a great idea and Apple should take such ideas and add them to the upcoming firmwares… What do you think ?


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