Apple has kept up with its tradition of innovative marketing via its 30th Mac anniversary ad. Against rumors, Apple didn’t opt for a Super Bowl based return, which had been hinted earlier.

This year Apple has taken it to the next level with Tim Cook (CEO) featuring in an interview at ABC News and Mac World. Apart from this, a Mac timeline has been added on the Apple site. The Mac App Store now features a Happy Birthday, Mac Section. Display stores have also been targeted through Mac themed graphics. The Cupertino headquarters have commemorative posters, completing the extended celebratory campaign.

In order to give the celebrations a finishing touch, a new video is being featured at the Apple homepage, remembering 30 years of Mac. The catch is that the video clip has been made using iPhones and edited on a Mac.

Titled ‘1.24.14’, the video shows an ideal blend of unique celebration and promotion of the brand. As per reports, the video has been shot across ten countries covering five continents.

More than 70 hours of footage was complied, all through iPhone 5S. Subsequently, the footage was edited and then an original soundtrack was added. The ad-making process itself indicates Apple’s resolve of bringing innovation in technology.

The agency involved in the filming, TBWA\Worldwide has been long standing partners with Apple on such promotional ventures.

From the video’s description:

Thirty years ago Macintosh promised to put technology in the hands of the people. To celebrate Mac’s birthday, this film was shot around the world in one day, entirely on iPhone. Here’s to the next thirty.

A message on Apple’s website describes a story “30 years and one day in the making”:

On January 24, 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh. And with it a promise that the power of technology, put in the hands of everyone, could change the world. On January 24, 2014, we sent 15 camera crews all over the world to show how that promise has become a reality.
From sunrise in Melbourne to nightfall in Los Angeles, they documented people doing amazing things with Apple products. They shot over 70 hours of footage — all with the iPhone 5s. Then it was edited and scored with an original soundtrack. Thanks to the power of the Mac and the innovations it has inspired, an effort that normally takes months was accomplished in a matter of days.

So what do you think guys ? 


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