If you’re in search of a purely simplistic theme, look no further than Clarity for iPhone. The theme features almost 150 glyphs for numerous stock and third-party apps, which I think makes the Home screen look great. One major caveat is that all non-themed icons will appear square, as this is how Apple has setup icon masks on iOS 7. I would recommend using the regular dock if you choose to use this theme, as ClassicDock isn’t a great match in this instance. Clarity, by Smuys, is free on Cydia in the ModMyi repository.
For those that liked the flat design of the StayClassy theme I reviewed last week, but found the color scheme to be too dull, I present you with Colorize7. The theme is very similar in appearance, with each custom icon consisting of a flat color base and white glyph. The main difference is that Colorize7 is much more colorful and bright, which looks better with most blurred wallpapers.
The only icons I am not a fan of are the black ones for Voice Memos and Compass, as they contrast poorly with the rest of the theme. Non-themed icons don’t look the greatest either. An additional 30 icons were just added in a recent update, with more coming. Colorize7, designed by BestCydiaTweaks, is 99 cents on the default MacCiti repository.